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Entangled: The Exhibition by Bjørn Staal

17. 09 > 22. 09. 24

ENTANGLED is Bjørn Staal's first solo presentation in Belgium of his groundbreaking code-based artwork of the same name. The exhibition features a singular look at the ENTANGLED collection alongside a multimedia robotics installation that uses quantum mechanics as a conduit for exploring what it means to connect with one another in an age of heightened digital experience.

As an artwork existing entirely on two decentralized blockchains, ENTANGLED introduces an artistic perspective wherein physics, the web, and onchain technology enter into a dialogue. The generative system running ENTANGLED relies on particle simulation to enable a firsthand experience of quantum entanglement, all the while utilizing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in novel ways that enhance the collection's performative qualities.

Quantum entanglement is a cosmic phenomenon where two or more particles are connected in such a way that the state of each particle can’t change independently of the others, however large the distance between them. To demonstrate this principle, Staal elected to host ENTANGLED onchain on two different blockchains (Ethereum and Tezos), and to connect individual pieces across the two chains through real-time interactions.

Each piece is able, therefore, to affect and be affected by another, creating unique emergent entanglements that never repeat themselves. By utilizing cross-chain and local storage technologies, Staal has imbued ENTANGLED with deep interactions that are easily triggered by simple modifications such as browser window resize adjustments that alter the visual pathways and outcomes of the artwork.

ENTANGLED is available to experience online, and that experience can serve to accompany your journey through the exhibition at Wintercircus. Use the online page to explore and understand more about the artist’s intent, the collection’s key concepts, and to view every piece that was collected on the blockchain. Moreover, the online page’s collection map allows you to track entanglements between different pieces within the NFT collection, enabling you to see which pairs are perfectly entangled, and more.

Bjørn Staal is a Norwegian generative artist, creative technologist, and experiential designer—each term applies to Bjørn Staal’s career of pushing the boundaries of how digital art and technology illuminate, augment, and deepen our connection to the wonders of the human condition.

fxhash is an open generative art platform and marketplace enabling code-based artists and collectors from around the world to create, share, and purchase groundbreaking artworks with built-in royalties and provenance.