House Rules

Our House Rules are designed to create a respectful and supportive environment that promotes both personal and professional growth. We are always open for change and improvement. Our experience and your feedback will lead us to adjust the text to reality. You’ll always find the most up to date version online.


These House Rules (‘House Rules’) form an integral part of the service agreement (‘Agreement’) between you as a member of the Wintercircus Collective (‘you’ or ‘member’) and TOGETHER FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP, NETWORKING AND TECHNOLOGY, with registered office at 9000 Gent, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 11, registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises with number 0801.426.074 (‘TENT’), hereafter referred to as Wintercircus Collective or The Collective. These House Rules relate to all Collective Members and their guests at the Wintercircus. It is hereby clarified that "Wintercircus Collective" and "The Collective" are official names used in these House Rules and are legally binding. TENT has the right to make changes with regard to the House Rules.


The Wintercircus Collective is the ultimate place where forward thinkers and entrepreneurial spirits gather to forge a better future. Together. Our members get spoiled with exclusive access to our Collective Spaces, such as the Library andLounge, providing a dynamic and stimulating environment for work and creativity in the heart of Ghent.
A vibrant ecosystem of changemakers is waiting for you, together with weekly impactful events on Arts & Media, Sports & Wellbeing, Politics & Society, Start-ups & Scale-ups, Technology & Innovation, Food & Gastronomy.
Wintercircus Collective is your extraordinary home away from home with access to our bars, restaurants, gym, meeting rooms and event spaces — all available at your fingertips at exclusive Collective member rates.

Less ordinary, more extraordinary. Less expected, more interconnected. We promise you more magic.


Ready to turn up the magic? As a member of Wintercircus you’ll step into one of the most legendary spots of our building. Our former stables - once home to elephants and lions - have been transformed into our gorgeous Collective facilities. The backdrop for a series of events and serendipitous encounters that will change your minds and paths towards a positive future.

TENT provides you with access to the exclusive Collective facilities on business days from 8am till 8pm. Our reception is staffed from 9am till 6pm, outside these reception hours, we rely on members to independently access the facilities, although additional reception services will not be available. Please note that the Collective facilities are not accessible during weekends and official bank holidays unless special events are scheduled.

Members and their guests are supposed to respect the safety measures and ensure that all doors are closed when entering and leaving the exclusive Collective Membership spaces.

TENT operates with an intelligent access system with a unique, personal and confidential account. The member shall not transfer this account to third parties and/or give third parties - intended or unintended - access to the Wintercircus and Wintercircus Collective zones through this account.

As a member of Wintercircus Collective you will enjoy exclusive access to our subterranean level. The exclusive Wintercircus Collective spaces are mostly Members Only.

When entering and exiting the Wintercircus, please be mindful of our neighbours and maintain a respectful noise level in and around the premises. We ask that all members and their guests exhibit courtesy at all times while moving through these historic spaces.

Members Only Collective Spaces

The following spaces are exclusive to members, guests are not permitted in these places:

Elephant Terrace
This open, informal area is perfect for small gatherings. Overlooking the old Elephant Ramp, it offers a nostalgic glimpse into our circus heritage.

Our library is designed to get smart and to get inspired. Or to find the time to focus on what’s important for you, surrounded by fellow members that inspire you with knowledge and breakthrough moments. The library features a selection of interesting books that will stimulate your curiosity.

Located next to our library, you'll discover an elegant yet cosy lounge where you can unwind, connect, and prepare for the day or evening ahead at the circus. This space serves as a hub of inspiration, hosting talks, activities, and meaningful encounters.

Coffee corners
Here you have access to complimentary coffee, tea, and water available at the self-service coffee corners.

Makeba Lounge
Located next to the Collective entrance you can find the Makeba Lounge. It offers a casual meeting space bathed in natural light, with a view of the ‘De Krook’ library.

FORM. is accessible for Wintercircus Collective Members and Startup Campus Residents. Guests are not allowed to ensure the privacy for our members.

Members have access to group sessions, private lessons, and gym facilities to exercise at their own pace during available times in between group sessions. FORM. is about bringing sports opportunities, including keynotes/showcases on sports/tech/wellbeing to our members. All sessions are conveniently bookable through the Wintercircus App.

Separate shower facilities are available for use after exercising for Collective Members and Startup Campus Residents.

Rooftop Terrace
Exclusive daytime access to the rooftop terrace is available from 8am till 2.30pm. This space is ideal for informal meetings and offers a spectacular view. It is reserved solely for members and residents during these hours.

Collective Meeting Rooms

A variety of intimate meeting rooms are available for you to conduct productive sessions with your guests and fellow members. We offer 10 meeting rooms exclusively for Wintercircus Collective members, accommodating groups ranging from 2 to 20 people. These rooms can be conveniently booked via the Wintercircus App with your personal account.

A Collective Member must be present at all times during the meeting. You are allowed to bring any number of guests, only for the duration of the meeting.

It’s the members responsibility to provide the correct information of all the visitors / guests via the Wintercircus App or online platform.

Event Spaces and Hospitality facilities

Members have access to event spaces during events hosted by the Collective. Outside of Collective-hosted events, these spaces are not accessible to members unless they receive a personal invitation from the current host or make a personal reservation by contacting

Event spaces are: Arena, Inner Circle, Auditorium, Expo and Board Room

The hospitality facilities at Wintercircus are open to both the general public and members during the established operating hours. The Wintercircus Collective does not manage operating schedules, holidays or closures of these facilities. However, members benefit from member discounts.

Hospitality: Bar Bougie, Bar Bassie, Tribune, Bakkerij Klaas, Sakas

Startup Campus
The startup campus is not accessible to Collective Members unless they are invited for a meeting with one of the Campus Residents.


We expect a commitment from every Wintercircus Collective Member to respect our facilities and take care of our facilities as you would your own home: we’re thinking of putting your used coffee cups and tableware in the dishwasher, not leaving your personal belongings everywhere, to manage your guests, respecting the full smoking ban at Wintercircus at all times etc. Wintercircus Collective encourages human interaction and exchange. You are welcome to use your mobile phone anywhere in the building, but please be considerate of those around you and avoid using speakerphone. Additionally, we ask you not to make any modifications to the premises.

No need to say we do not expect you to conduct any illegal or immoral activities at Wintercircus Collective and at Wintercircus at all times.

Members Only Collective Spaces

The Collective spaces are designed to foster community and collaboration among all our members. It’s important to remember these spaces are shared spaces, not your private office. Treat them with respect and consideration for your fellow members. Places are limited, so please do not save a seat for extended periods.

Please do not leave personal items unattended to reserve desks, seats, or sofas. Items left unattended for more than one hour will be moved to reception.

Elephant Terrace
This lounge can be used on an informal basis. The terrace is equipped with two phone booths for private conversations.

Our library serves as a quiet co-working space dedicated to silent work. To maintain a peaceful environment, please book our meeting rooms for discussions and use the phone booths for calls. Be considerate of others by keeping your devices on silent or using headphones.

The books in our library and lounge are meant to inspire and are available for use within the Collective; they are not to be taken home. Should you wish to own a copy, you can purchase it through our external book partner who offers a generous discount to our members.

This co-working space supports conversations but is intended for quiet discussions. Feel free to chat softly with other members here, but please book a meeting room for more extensive meetings or discussions.

Coffee corners
This is a self-service area. Please keep it tidy by placing all used cups, glasses, and cutlery in the dishwasher.
If you notice any shortages, please inform us at the reception or via As you are not allowed to bring your own food and drinks, the refrigerator is cleared every Friday evening.

Makeba Lounge
This lounge can be used on an informal basis to have a chat and a coffee.

Sports facilities
Maintain cleanliness and order in the sports facilities. Please return all equipment to its original place after use and disinfect the used equipment. Towels provided by TENT are for on-site use only and should not be taken home.

Members exercise at their own risk and should be mindful of their health and familiar with the proper use of gym equipment.

Shower Facilities
Exercising at FORM. is the perfect way to unwind. We encourage you to shower after intense sessions out of respect for other members.

Rooftop Terrace
After using the terrace furniture, please ensure to return it to its original position. Bar Bassie will appreciate it.

Collective Meeting Rooms

Want to book a meeting room? Sure, our Collective Meeting Rooms can be conveniently booked via the Wintercircus App with your personal account. Reservations are made per hour via the Wintercircus App.

Complimentary coffee, tea, and water are available at the self-service coffee corner. Please keep in mind that we appreciate it if you return any used cups and glasses to our Coffee Corner after your meeting. The next user will be grateful.

You can order in-house catering such as sandwiches from Bakkerij Klaas or sushi from Sakas at an additional cost. We ask our members to arrange this directly with our hospitality partners. It is not allowed to bring your own catering or food.

Event Spaces and Horeca facilities

Wintercircus Collective may at times, with or without notice, close all or parts of Wintercircus Collective facilities to members and their guests for private events or for necessary maintenance, repair or redecoration work. We will seek to ensure that any such area, facility or service is reinstated as soon as practicable

As a member you accept the fact that Wintercircus may host public and private events (such as but not limited to late afternoon and evening events in the Arena) during which a certain degree of disturbance may be experienced.

When closing a part of Wintercircus for private events, please refrain from communicating any information about the event to third parties via any medium. Collective Members won’t be automatically granted access to private events. Please respect the private host and its private guest list.

Want to host your own private event? Reach out to to book your own event.

Startup Campus

The startup campus is not to be used by Collective Members unless they have a meeting with one of the Campus Residents.



To make Wintercircus a safe and inspiring place we ask all our club members, their guests and our team to follow our standards of behaviour.

They are:

  • Kindness and Respect: We champion a culture of inclusivity and diversity at Wintercircus. Members and guests are expected to respect differences in gender, race, religion, political views, sexuality, and physicality, and consider the impact of their beliefs on others.
  • Positive Interaction: Respect is at the core of our community. We share a collective responsibility to reject any racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise abusive language.
  • Decent Behaviour: Enjoyment is encouraged, but over-familiar or inappropriate behaviour is not. Misuse of alcohol or drugs, or any conduct that disrupts the comfort of others, will be addressed promptly.
  • Communication: Be open for conversation. Your feedback helps us improve. If you encounter any issues, please immediately report them to the manager on duty, a member of the Wintercircus team, through the Wintercircus App or via
  • We will not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying based on religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, or disability.

Should you experience any such conduct please report it immediately to or via the Wintercircus App. All reports will receive a response within 48 hours.


TENT is not liable for any theft or loss within the Collective spaces. Members are solely responsible for ensuring that all doors to shared spaces are securely closed when entering and leaving to prevent access by non-members. It is advised against leaving valuables or personal items unattended in private or public areas.

All items brought into and/or left in the Collective spaces are entirely at the risk of the member or their guests. Members are expected to take proactive measures to secure their belongings,

If you observe any suspicious activity, please report it immediately to the on-site responsible manager, the receptionist, or via email at

Lost & Found

If you lose something in the building, please contact Reception as soon as possible so we can assist in locating it. Any items found will be kept for one month. We will make every effort to contact the owner if the item's identity can be determined. Please note that Wintercircus is not responsible for your property at any time.


Please refrain from touching any artwork displayed within Wintercircus and Wintercircus Collective.


Smoking and vaping are strictly prohibited inside Wintercircus at all times.

Use of illegal substances

No member or guest shall purchase, use, ingest, possess, sell or otherwise distribute illegal drugs or other substances, or attempt to do any of the same with any member or guest.
No member or guest shall occupy a closed bathroom stall with anyone else. If any of the actions above prove true, the relevant member and/or guest will be removed from the Collective and the membership in question will be terminated.


While Wintercircus Collective does not enforce a specific dress code, we expect all members to dress in a manner that is suitable for the setting.


With 14,000m2 of unique and diverse spaces that breathe history, we ensure you and your guests an unforgettable time. Want to host your own private event? Reach out to to book your own event.

The discounted rental of event spaces are only for Regular Members with a Full Add-on and it’s strictly for the individual use of the member. Members are prohibited from booking spaces on behalf of other businesses or entities, or for the purpose of recharging or reselling the space to third parties. Individual members are not permitted to book event spaces for their employer unless the employer has a Corporate Membership with The Collective.

It is expected that the use of rented event spaces will align with the ethical and community standards set forth by the Collective. Any use of the space that contradicts these standards may result in revocation of rental privileges.


Members Only Space

Guests are not allowed in Members Only Spaces.


Wintercircus Collective will host two types of events: guests-allowed and guests-non-allowed. Wintercircus Collective can decide at its sole right if an event will be members-only or guests-allowed events. Members are permitted to bring one guest to events where guests are allowed. Members should register their guest when subscribing to a guests-allowed event, and the guest should bring its ticket to the event.

The Collective reserves the right to limit the number of guests at events. Members must accompany their guests at all times during the Collective Events, guests are not allowed to attend an event without the member’s presence. It is the member's responsibility to ensure their guests comply with all House Rules and policies. Violations of these rules by guests may lead to disciplinary actions against the member, including potential suspension or termination of membership. Members cannot be separated from their guests while on the premises, nor can they leave their guests unattended.

Guests must be registered in advance of their visit via the Wintercircus App. Unregistered guests may be denied access. Access for guests may be restricted during particularly busy periods, and access to certain areas may be limited based on capacity and event specifications.

A guest may not attend more than three Wintercircus Collective events per year to ensure fair access for all members and their guests.

Meeting Rooms

When booking a meeting room, a member can bring any number of guests, limited to the capacity of the meeting room booked. It’s the members responsibility to provide the correct information of all the visitors/guests via the Wintercircus App or online platform. A Collective Member must be present at all times during the meeting.


TENT provides the following amenities and community spaces:

Wifi Infrastructure

The wifi infrastructure can provide / has:

  • A fully redundant hardware and storage configuration - Firewalls
  • Network components with a redundant Xbit internet connection (upload and download) with a guaranteed bandwidth of XMbit (upload and download). You understand that excessive download or upload behaviour that does not correspond to the normal internet behaviour cannot be allowed.


The Collective facilities are usually cleaned on a regular basis. TENT is not responsible for any interruption of this service by our supplier. This supplier has been given clear guidelines regarding the cleaning schedule. The cleaning service is not allowed to clean seats that are manned at the time of cleaning, so the members will not be interfered, unless explicit permission has been given by other members. TENT wishes to maintain the facilities in good condition, so it could happen that TENT should be able to perform a deep cleaning of the facilities.


TENT will not accept post and packages on behalf of members. Any post or package sent to Wintercircus or Wintercircus Collective addressed to a member will be refused at reception. Wintercircus will not be liable for any loss, damage, or destruction of any post or package.


The books in our library and lounge are meant to inspire and are available for use within the Collective; they are not to be taken home. Should you wish to own a copy, you can purchase it through our book supplier, who offers a generous discount to our members.

Snacks, bites and Weekly Breakfast

We are pleased to offer snacks, bites, and a weekly breakfast for our members. Please enjoy these offerings with respect and consideration for everyone. Take only what you need, ensuring there is enough for all members. Available while supplies last.


Wintercircus Collective Membership is intended for adults of a minimum of 18 years old unless otherwise stated. Children are not allowed to join members at Collective or Collective events unless otherwise specified.

If an event is suitable for children, Wintercircus will notify its members. In this regard, children are under the permanent responsibility of their parents at all times while they are within Wintercircus. Members shall also ensure that children are not left unattended at any time.


No animals are allowed in Wintercircus, except for legally recognised and certified service dogs.


Members are not permitted to bring personal food or beverages into the Collective. This prohibition includes packed lunches, snacks, and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. The only exception to this rule is for valid medical reasons.

Our Wintercircus Hospitality Partners offer a variety of in-house food and beverage options for snacking, lunch and dinner. Members enjoy a generous discount at our in-house hospitality partners.

The only food allowed in the Lounge & Library will be our weekly breakfast and daily snacks.


All services within Wintercircus, such as the restaurant, the bar, and the rental of spaces, must be paid for immediately and cannot be deferred. Bar and restaurant services must be paid for directly on-site. Payments for reservations and space rentals must be made in advance, in accordance with the general terms and conditions of sale. Payments for paid events must also be made before the event.

There is no option to pay for any services later. All consumptions at the hospitality bars must be paid for on the spot and cannot be billed to members for later payment.

Members with a Light Add-on must pay for any extra booked sports classes on top of the membership fee at the end of each month. If an invoice is not paid within 15 days, the member will be denied access to the sports club.


Membership Application

By completing and submitting your application for membership through the Wintercircus website, you agree to these House Rules. The application process includes an online survey and an interview.

The Wintercircus Team reviews the applications weekly and makes the final decision on memberships. They determine the maximum number of members as well as the profile of the members sought.

The operational Collective team reviews and grants the applications for membership under the supervision of the Wintercircus CEO and Board of Directors. Decisions are final and do not require any justification. The decision is based on the online survey and interview with the operational Team.

If your membership application is accepted, we will confirm this via email. Your annual membership will commence on the date you’ve signed the Membership Agreement.

The free membership program, called Wild Cards, will be reviewed annually. No justification is required for these decisions.

Membership Payment

Upon acceptance of your Collective membership, you will receive the Service Agreement for signing, and your membership fee becomes payable immediately by direct debit. Failure to pay the first subscription within 15 days will result in the member not being admitted to the Collective and the membership being paused until the debt is cleared.

Payment of the renewal of the membership will occur automatically by direct debit or credit card on the start date of the membership agreement. Failure to pay the renewal annual subscription within 15 days will result in the member not being admitted to the Collective, and the membership will be paused until the debt is cleared.

Membership Card / QR Code

Entrance is granted via our intelligent access system with a unique, personal and confidential account within the Wintercircus App. The digital membership card may be requested by the Wintercircus Membership Team at any time.

Members should also expect to present their membership card when they sit down to eat or drink in one of our bars, to gain their discount and to obtain an invoice if needed.

Where any member allows their card to be used by a non-member, such non-member shall be denied access to or removed from the Collective, and the member whose card was used may face suspension or termination of their own membership.

Membership Renewal and Fee Adjustment

Membership is for a minimum period of one year and will be automatically renewed thereafter on an annual basis. Both parties have a one-month notice period for cancellation.

Our membership offerings are reviewed annually to ensure the best experience for our members. We reserve the right to amend our membership fees at any time. We will notify you in advance if there are to be any changes to the amount, date or frequency of the payment of your membership fees.

Membership database

It is important for us to have your current details in our membership database. By becoming a member of Wintercircus Collective, you agree that we can hold your personal details to use in connection with your membership. If your contact or payment details change, please let us know via your account page via the Wintercircus App or website:


Members may cancel their participation in any Collective Event up to 48 hours in advance. Refunds are not possible for late cancellations. If a member cancels late or does not show up, they will receive a first warning. After four warnings, their attendance at events may be temporarily suspended.

FORM. has its own cancellation policy. If you cancel more than 3 hours before a sports class, there are no consequences. If the client fails to cancel in time, the booked class or access is unfortunately lost. Full memberships have the advantage that we tolerate two late cancellations per year with no consequences. For the third late cancellation, we charge a 10 euro penalty for late cancellation. FORM. gives itself the right to block the customer’s account until the payment of 10 euros is made. We will not consider late cancellations, even for reasons beyond your control.

If attendance is too low to an event or sport classes the event or class will be automatically cancelled if 3 clients or fewer are registered 75 minutes before a class starts. Clients will be notified by email.


Wintercircus Collective may at times, with or without notice, close all or parts of Wintercircus Collective facilities to members and their guests for private events or for necessary maintenance, repair or redecoration work. We will seek to ensure that any such area, facility or service is reinstated as soon as practicable

As a member you accept the fact that Wintercircus may host public and private events (such as but not limited to late afternoon and evening events in the Arena) during which a certain degree of disturbance may be experienced.

When closing a part of Wintercircus for private events, please refrain from communicating any information about the event to third parties via any medium. Collective Members won’t be automatically granted access to private events. Please respect the private host and its private guest list.

Want to host your own private event? Reach out to to book your own event at a convenient member discount.


All official communications to Wintercircus Collective Members will be in English. However, the language of communication for specific events may be switched to Dutch if all participants are native Dutch speakers and express a preference for it. This ensures clarity and inclusivity in all our interactions within the Collective.


If you are to be absent for an extended period (minimum of 3 consecutive months) during your membership, we can discuss putting your membership on hold. During this period, no extra payments will be incurred, and access will be suspended. Both the request and approval must be made in writing via email.


CCTV Surveillance

For security purposes, Wintercircus uses CCTV cameras. Access to footage is only provided upon police request or as required by law. Members are encouraged to report any security concerns immediately.

Confidentiality & Privacy

Wintercircus Collective is a private space. Respect the confidentiality of our events and members. Do not share member lists or event attendee lists. No video or photo shoots without prior written consent. Violations may result in suspension or termination of membership.

Data Handling

The use of personal data of the resident will be limited to what is strictly necessary for the operational, administrative and financial functioning of TENT.

Sharing on Social Media

Feel free to share on social media, but do not post pictures or information about other members or guests without their consent. Harmful content focused on the Wintercircus Collective is not acceptable. We appreciate direct feedback. Please respect and protect the privacy of your fellow members when taking photos in the space. No video or photo shoots are allowed without prior written consent from Wintercircus. By becoming a member you agree to being photographed and these pictures can be used on our social media. If a picture needs to be taken down, please let us know via


Members must follow these House Rules and ensure their guests do the same. Violations may result in suspension or termination of membership. Misconduct, including inappropriate, violent, or abusive behaviour, or sharing Collective affairs with the media, can lead to expulsion. Expelled members cannot return as guests, and refunds are at the Collective’s discretion. Members damaging Wintercircus property or that of others may also face expulsion or suspension.


From time to time, Wintercircus Collective may, in its sole and absolute discretion, amend our House Rules in the best interest of our members, guests and/or employees. By agreeing and signing this version of the House Rules, you also agree that such amended House Rules shall apply to you at all times.

Members should always be aware of the most recent House Rules. You’ll always find the most up to date version online.


If you have any questions regarding your membership and/or our House Rules, please contact us at